Hanshi Larry Sullivan
10th Degree Black Belt
Grandmaster / Soke / Founder

Grand-master Hanshi Larry Sullivan started training in the martial arts in 1978. He holds a 10th degree black belt in Sullivan’s American Kenpo, a 7th degree black belt in Nick Cerios Kenpo, a 5th degree black belt in Shaolin Kempo/jiu jitsu, and a 4th degree black belt in American Karate.
He has cross trained in Kung fu, Shotokan, Japanese Jujitsu, Judo, Kubudo, Iaido/kendo, Okinawan kobuto, Kenpo, Kempo, Muay thai, Brazilizn jiu jitsu, Chinese weapons, Sambo, Boxing, Wrestling and more. Hanshi is the founder and Soke of the Sullivan’s American Kenpo karate system.
He is President/Founder of USA Karate, the International Team Karate league & The New England Karate Commission. Larry Sullivan was also an Advisory Board Member for the Educational Funding Company (a management tuition collection company for over 1200 schools across the country), as well as a speaker/instructor at martial arts conventions in Boston, Orlando, and San Diego. Mr. Sullivan also was Professor Nick Cerio’s business partner in the Cerio & Sullivan Martial Arts Management Corporation, as well as Prefessor Cerio’s Soke di (second in command). He has been a tournament promoter for over 25 years, has built the one of the most profitable school and organizations in RI and is now managing multiple schools in four states. A graduate of Franklin High school 1971 attended Dean College for business management and continues the education process to this day. He has spent a life time of teaching, building, creating, organizing and managing to ensure the success of people and organizations.