The Five Rules
I will always do my best!
I will show courtesy and respect!
I will be honest!
I will be trustworthy and dependable!
Self Control
I will show self discipline and will power!
The Five Animals
Tiger: Tenacity
The quality or property of being tenacious.
Leopard: Speed, Power
Full rate of motion.
Energy, force, or momentum.
Crane: Grace, Balance
Elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.
A state of equilibrium.
Snake: Suppleness , Flexibility, Rhythmic Endurance
Capable of being bent without breaking.
The strength to continue despite fatigue.
Dragon: Fluency to ride the wind and Wisdom

The Student Creed
I will develop myself in a positive manner, and avoid anything that will reduce my mental growth or physical health.
I will develop self discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others.
I will use what I learn in class constructively and defensively, to help myself and others, and never to be abusive or offensive.
We are a Black Belt School, we are dedicated, we are motivated and we are on a quest to be our best.
The Karate Creed
I come to you with only KARATE,
empty hands.
I have no weapons,
but should I be forced to defend myself,
my honor, or my principals,
should it be a matter of life or death,
or right and wrong,
then here are my weapons,
my empty hands.